15 Years! ... My Personal Cancer Even Out {And Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes To Celebrate}

Let's all bask unopen to Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting ... to celebrate my personal storey of beating cancer!

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

"To everyone who is battling cancer, I promise y'all are all successful against this disease. I promise that for all those counting downwards to your dates of existence declared *cancer free* that y'all all celebrate that anniversary amongst your loved ones. To all those who bring never had to bargain amongst this illness personally inside your families, I promise that y'all never do."
Paula at Frosting for the Cause
My sentiments exactly.

I originally shared this post on September 23, 2011, over at Frosting for the Cause, a year-long baking direct a opportunity to enhance coin for pectus cancer research.  I'm sharing it in 1 trial to a greater extent than hither on today inward celebration of existence 15 years cancer-free!!

Last calendar week I visited my specialist for my annual check-up, in addition to am real happy to say I received a still-all-clear report.

I am thence thankful to bring my life every bit I bring it today.  I am thankful to live able to say I bring been successful against cancer. I am thankful to live able to celebrate the anniversary each twelvemonth of my solar daytime of existence declared *cancer free.*  I am eternally thankful in addition to grateful that I am able to bask the honour of existence a mom.

And so, I thought it was the perfect solar daytime to percentage amongst y'all hither my personal cancer story.

To all those dealing personally amongst cancer inward your family, I wishing for y'all the peace of a positive outcome.

The text below was originally shared on the site Frosting for the Cause on September 23, 2011.

When Tracey was thinking of a advert for her weblog dorsum inward Feb of this year, she solely had to pose ii of her loves together to come upward up amongst her title. The Kitchen Is My Playground came piece of cake to this Grade One instructor who, when non enjoying her students both inward the classroom in addition to piece playing inward the schoolhouse playground she has a lot of fun herself inward her ain personal playground, her kitchen. Readers similar visiting Tracey’s playground every bit good in addition to delighting inward her habit of obsessively collecting recipes thence that she tin endeavor them, alter them in addition to create anew. ...  I’m delighted that Tracey is hither today sharing her storey in addition to recipe amongst us.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
When I read that 1 of the requirements for becoming a participating “Baking a Difference” bakery was to write almost a somebody inward your life touched yesteryear cancer I thought, “Oh. That’s easy. That would live me!” Got that requirement covered pretty easily. I’m honored to percentage a lilliputian flake of my personal storey hither at Frosting for the Cause.

I was diagnosed amongst thyroid cancer when I was thirty years old. And I was shocked. Absolutely shocked. And that’s likely a real gross understatement. My thoughts: “What?? Me????? At thirty years old?” The regain procedure was kicked off during my annual physical that year. My physician decided that my thyroid felt a lilliputian flake enlarged in addition to wanted to shipping me for an ultrasound. Okay. No problem. This actually didn’t fifty-fifty register much of a work concern amongst me. I had been feeling a lilliputian to a greater extent than tired than normal, had been gaining unopen to weight amongst absolutely no life-style changes to warrant it … “Ahhhh,” I finally thought, “maybe this is why! I simply bring a lilliputian thyroid number that needs to larn straightened out.”

Well, later the ultrasound I was sent to encounter a specialist. Okay. Still no problem. I was thinking, “Now I’ll bring an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than knowledgeable somebody to assist amongst my situation.” Still non concerned. (My Mom, on the other hand, was starting to freak out. Though she kept her freak-out to herself. I retrieve her offering to come upward to the specialist appointment amongst me, in addition to me thinking that was a lilliputian odd. I was a large girl, later all, in addition to had been going to my doctors’ appointments all on my ain for quite unopen to time!).

At the specialist appointment the physician did a quick exam, looked at me, in addition to said, “There is definitely a increment of unopen to form on your thyroid. It could live cancerous, thence I would similar to practise a biopsy. If y'all bring fourth dimension I tin practise it correct now, or nosotros tin bring y'all schedule a follow-up appointment.”

I bring no thought what my facial facial expression looked like, but here’s the doctor’s side yesteryear side statement, inward a real form tone: “The thought that this could live cancer never crossed your mind, did it?”

No. Nope. Never. Not once. Are y'all kidding me?!!!?!!? I’m solely 30!! Cancer??? Me?? Hearing the c-word is never a swell experience. Hearing the c-word inward relation to your ain trunk in addition to wellness is surreal.

People who know me good volition non live at all surprised almost my reply to my doctor.

I real calmly said, “No, that had non crossed my mind. Can I drive later the biopsy? If I can, let’s practise it now.”

See, I’m a get-‘er-done kinda gal.

I could proceed in addition to on almost the thoughts in addition to feelings I had, almost the treatment, almost complications I experienced, almost the recovery, almost how this gave me the courage to operate out a career inward which I was unhappy, almost a scare I had simply this twelvemonth amongst possible ovarian cancer (the tumors were benign, praise God!) … But to brand a quite long storey curt I’ll simply say, I’m proud in addition to immensely happy to say that I am a cancer survivor in addition to I am cancer free. In fact, lastly calendar month marked the 10-year mark (now 15-year mark) for me … in addition to I bring a totally build clean nib of health.

I am thankful for fabulous in addition to talented doctors, I am thankful for the regain of treatments to struggle in addition to destroy cancer, in addition to I am thankful for medical query that has produced life-sustaining medications. Without all of those, I wouldn’t yet live on this Earth. I am thankful for every day.

In celebration of existence 10 15 years cancer free, I’m sharing 1 of my favorite cupcakes amongst y'all today.  Because later beating cancer, nosotros all deserve a lilliputian chocolate!

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

These lilliputian beauties are decadently rich in addition to delicious, combining ii of my all-time loves – chocolate in addition to cheesecake. I don’t know almost you, but I adore each 1 separately, thence intend that whoever came upward amongst the innovation to pose them together inward a unmarried cupcake is a genius. Truly, he or she deserves an award.

It’s difficult to believe, every bit delicious every bit these cupcakes are, they’re thence piece of cake to make.  First, mix upward a uncomplicated cheesecake batter amongst unopen to cream cheese, an egg, a flake of sugar, in addition to unopen to mini chocolate chips. Set that aside.

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

Next, mix upward a actually piece of cake chocolate batter.  Spoon unopen to chocolate batter into cupcake liners, in addition to and then transcend the chocolate batter amongst a heaping teaspoon of cheesecake batter.

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

Bake them upward in addition to and then (by far the hardest part!) permit them cool. I honey how the cheesecake simply peeks out on the top, but in addition to then is a actually large ol’ hunk of cheesecake when y'all seize amongst teeth in.

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

These cupcakes are absolutely fabulous simply every bit they are at this point. But to brand them fifty-fifty to a greater extent than yummy in addition to decadent, transcend them amongst unopen to cream cheese frosting. Why not, right? Don’t nosotros all honey things fifty-fifty to a greater extent than yummy in addition to decadent?? So operate ahead in addition to whip upward unopen to tasty cream cheese frosting.

Pipe that tasty frosting onto the cupcakes in addition to destination ‘em off amongst a tiny dusting of cocoa pulverization in addition to a sprinkling of mini chocolate chips.

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

Now operate ahead, dig inward in addition to enjoy. You know y'all desire to!

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting
Source:  Cupcakes in addition to frosting adapted from my Mom
(Printable recipe)
Cheesecake center:
  • 1 c. cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1/3 c. granulated carbohydrate
  • 1 unbeaten egg
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
Chocolate bottom:
  • 1 c. mini chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. granulated carbohydrate
  • 1/4 c. cocoa
  • 1 c. water
  • 1/3 c. canola crude
  • 1 T. white vinegar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  1. Prepare the cheesecake center: Combine cream cheese, 1/3 loving cup sugar, egg, in addition to 1/8 teaspoon tabular array salt inward a minor bowl. Beat well.
  2. Stir inward mini chocolate chips. Set aside.
  3. Prepare the chocolate bottom: In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda, 1 loving cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, in addition to cocoa. Add water, vinegar, oil, in addition to vanilla; stir to combine.
  4. Line muffin pans amongst newspaper cupcake liners. Fill each loving cup 1/3 total of chocolate batter. Top each amongst a heaping teaspoon of cream cheese mixture.
  5. Bake & Assemble:  Bake at 350 degrees for thirty - 35 minutes. 
  6. Pipe amongst cream cheese frosting; sprinkle amongst a pinch of cocoa pulverization in addition to a few mini chocolate chips. Store cupcakes inward the refrigerator.
 Makes 18'ish.

Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 3 c. confectioners’ sugar
  • 5 T. unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 6 oz. cream cheese, mutual frigidity {do non substitute lower-fat Neufachel cream cheese every bit it tin campaign the frosting to operate runny}
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  1. Beat confectioners’ carbohydrate in addition to butter amongst an electrical mixer on medium-slow speed until good mixed.
  2. Add vanilla in addition to cream cheese (all at once); musical rhythm out until cream cheese is completely incorporated. Turn mixer speed upward to medium-high in addition to musical rhythm out frosting until it is low-cal in addition to fluffy, almost 3-4 minutes. Be careful non to overbeat, every bit the frosting tin apace operate runny if overbeaten.
  3. Chill frosting for almost fifteen minutes. Frost cooled cupcakes.

 Cheesecake Cupcakes amongst Cream Cheese Frosting fifteen YEARS! ... My Personal Cancer Story {and Chocolate & Cheesecake Cupcakes to Celebrate}

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