Quick & Tardily Peppermint Fluff Dip

Looking for a super slow peppermint treat?  Give this quick together with slow Peppermint Fluff Dip a try!  It takes all of close v minutes to brand amongst precisely v uncomplicated ingredients, which makes it perfectly slow to whip upwardly for whatever type of Christmas party, or for precisely plainly vacation snacking fun.

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

It's the most wonderful fourth dimension of the year, folks.  There's cypher to a greater extent than I dearest throughout the twelvemonth than the vacation season.  

And every bit far every bit I'm concerned, the vacation flavor starts the twenty-four lx minutes menses later Halloween.  That's correct ... the 2nd Halloween passes together with Nov 1st hits, I commencement my Thanksgiving planning.  And together with thence the really 2nd Thanksgiving passes, I commencement my Christmas preparation.  It's precisely i long flavor of vacation fun for me!

While I exercise similar to give each vacation its ain distinct time, our 8-year-old sugariness piddling Miss H. is all upwardly for precisely blending Thanksgiving together with Christmas together. 

With its fluffy, creamy texture together with wonderful peppermint flavor, it's slow to meet why Peppermint Fluff Dip is i of piddling Miss H.'s Christmas snacking favorites! 

This year, I believe the Christmas music intermittently went on at our trouble solid close 2 weeks earlier Thanksgiving.  But hey, if that warms piddling Miss H.'s heart, together with thence I'm totally okay amongst it.  Watching the joy of the flavor through her eyes is precious, together with makes my pump grinning amongst joy.  She tin forcefulness out blend her holidays together all she wants!

Well, piddling Miss H.'s dearest of blending the holidays together is why I'm sharing this quick together with slow Peppermint Fluff Dip amongst you lot all thence early on inwards the Christmas season.  Because it's i of Miss H.'s absolute favorite Christmas snacks ... together with truth hold upwardly told, we've been enjoying bowlfuls of it at our trouble solid since good earlier "turkey day."

With its fluffy, creamy texture together with wonderful peppermint flavor, it's slow to meet why Peppermint Fluff Dip is i of piddling Miss H.'s Christmas snacking favorites!

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

Since it's thence quick together with slow to make, I must state it's i of my favorites for Christmastime, too.

It takes all of close v minutes to brand amongst precisely v uncomplicated ingredients.  Which makes this Peppermint Fluff Dip perfectly slow to brand for whatever type of Christmas party, or for enjoying for vacation snacking similar piddling Miss H. does.

It takes all of close v minutes to brand amongst precisely v uncomplicated ingredients.  Which makes this Peppermint Fluff Dip perfectly slow to brand for whatever type of Christmas party.

To whip upwardly a batch, only combine a block of softened cream cheese amongst a flake of powdered sugar, a minor flake of peppermint extract, together with some finely crushed candy canes.

Once the candy canes are stirred into the cream cheese, they'll commencement to dissolve together with plow the mixture pink.

There's no require to add together additional nutrient coloring to instruct the dip's pinkish coloring, but if you'd similar the peppermint fluff to hold upwardly fifty-fifty pinker, a drib or 2 of carmine nutrient coloring volition exercise the trick.

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

Then, stir inwards some Cool Whip non-dairy whipped topping to give the fluff dip its fluffiness.

If you'd prefer, you lot could utilisation homemade sweetened whipped cream precisely fine instead, too.

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

Serve the dip upwardly amongst a diversity of dippers together with dig inwards to the fluffy peppermint deliciousness!

We've used mini Nilla Waferswaffle cone pieces, creature crackers, chocolate graham crackers, chocolate Teddy Grahams, together with chocolate wafer cookies for dipping ... together with though nosotros haven't tried it, I would mean value pretzels would locomote well, too.

Mini Nilla wafers are my favorite Peppermint Fluff Dip dipper.  I similar the means the mildly sugariness vanilla flavor of the Nilla wafers combines amongst the dip together with lets the dip's peppermint shine through.   

But sugariness piddling Miss H. would disagree ... 

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

Her favorite is Chocolate Teddy Grahams!

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

I'm non certain if they're her favorite for the gustation combination they deliver, or for the cuteness constituent of the adorable piddling chocolate-y bears.  But whatever the reason, she grabs upwardly the Teddy Grahams for her peppermint fluff dipping pleasance every  time.

So if you're looking for a super slow peppermint Christmas treat, give this quick together with slow Peppermint Fluff Dip a try.

Whether it's for a Christmas party, a vacation luncheon, or a festive identify unit of measurement snack, Peppermint Fluff Dip is a fun together with tasty treat.  

I promise you lot together with yours savor it every bit much every bit our sugariness piddling Miss H!

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip
 Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd dearest to own got you lot dorsum soon!

Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip
(Print recipe)
  1. With an electrical mixer, shell together cream cheese, powdered sugar, and peppermint extract until good combined together with smooth. Stir inwards crushed candy canes.
  2. Fold inwards Cool Whip until thoroughly mixed.
  3. Refrigerate until laid to serve.
  4. At serving time, sprinkle crushed candy canes and red Christmas non-pareil sprinkles on top for garnish, if desired.
  5. Serve amongst mini Nilla Wafers, waffle cone pieces, creature crackers, chocolate graham crackers, chocolate Teddy Grahams, or chocolate wafer cookies for dipping.

Please savor these other Christmas treats from ...

 Looking for a super slow peppermint process Quick & Easy Peppermint Fluff Dip

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