Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies

Love the lite & airy crispness of meringue cookies?  Then you'll autumn inwards dear amongst these Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies!  Because the compaction in addition to flavour of chopped pecans in addition to a hint of almond extract brand already-fabulous meringue cookies fifty-fifty better.

Because the compaction in addition to flavour of chopped pecans in addition to a hint of almond extract brand already Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies

My hubby Mark in addition to I are fortunate to convey access to a furnish of fresh, home-grown pecans.  At to the lowest degree when the squirrels don't larn them all earlier us, that is!  And believe me, beating the squirrels to the pecans is a never-ending battle, for sure.  But when nosotros are  able to musical rhythm out those spunky piddling squirrels? ... There's cipher amend than to savour those fresh pecans inwards home-baked sweetness treats similar these Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies.

See, at Mark's Mom's house, at that topographic point are 4 large pecan trees scattered throughout her yard.  Have you lot e'er seen pecans growing on the tree?

The pecans themselves grow in addition to mature within light-green husks that are clustered together inwards small-scale bunches all over the tree.  To me, the clusters are actually quite pretty.

Because the compaction in addition to flavour of chopped pecans in addition to a hint of almond extract brand already Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies

Once the pecan within is mature, the husk turns brownish in addition to splits open, releasing the in-the-shell pecan inside.

Because the compaction in addition to flavour of chopped pecans in addition to a hint of almond extract brand already Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies

Several times throughout the autumn equally the pecans are ripening, either nosotros or Mark's Mom catch buckets in addition to get together upward the pecans from the soil ... if the squirrels haven't gathered them upward earlier us!

One of my husband's favorite things to exercise is to 'help' the ripe pecans along.  He loves to climb the trees in addition to hand the branches a piddling shake, releasing all those pecans that were simply barely withal clinging to the opened husk.

Just similar a squirrel, he climbs agency upward into the tippie tops of the trees ... making me a nervous wreck the whole time, of course.  But ... he does  shake set out a ton of yummy pecans.

Because the compaction in addition to flavour of chopped pecans in addition to a hint of almond extract brand already Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies

And similar a shot it's almost pecan-time hither inwards North Carolina.  Here's to hoping nosotros musical rhythm out the squirrels to at to the lowest degree approximately of the pecan harvest this year!  Because I'd actually dear a furnish of fresh home-grown pecans ... fifty-fifty if it's simply plenty to brand a batch of these deliciously-crisp Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies.

Because the compaction in addition to flavour of chopped pecans in addition to a hint of almond extract brand already Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies

Pecan Meringue Kiss Cookies
Source:  Adapted from "Pass the Plate" past times First Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. almond extract
  • 1/2 c. chopped pecans, divided
  1. Place egg whites, cream of tartar, in addition to almond extract inwards a large bowl. Beat at highest mixer speed until soft white peaks form, close ii minutes. While continuing to musical rhythm out at high speed, rattling slow pour carbohydrate in, a piddling chip at a time. Keep beating until strong peaks form.
  2. Very gently crease inwards all but close ii tablespoons of the chopped pecans.
  3. Drop past times heaping teaspoonful onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet. {Or, create total a piping pocketbook fitted amongst a rattling large tip in addition to pipage the mixture onto the baking sheet.} Sprinkle reserved chopped pecans on the tops.
  4. Bake at 250 degrees for xl minutes. Let stand upward on the cookie canvass until completely cooled.
  5. Store at room temperature inwards an airtight container.

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