How Baking Tin Travel Summertime Reading, Writing, & Math Practice!

I'll tell good-bye to my this year's grouping of picayune 1st graders this coming week.  {Sniff, sniff.}  Have you lot got kids or grand-kids out of schoolhouse for the summer?  If your child's instructor is at all similar me, she or he in all likelihood said something most keeping your kid reading, writing, together with doing a picayune math over the summer, right?  {And if she or he didn't ... consider this to survive me maxim it for them now!}

Well, did you lot know you lot tin continue your kid practicing reading, writing, together with math through exactly baking together with cooking amongst them?  That's right! ...

You tin receive got fun inward the kitchen amongst your kids this summertime together with continue them 'fresh' amongst their studies!  How cool is that?  And tardily bar cookie together with no-bake recipes furnish the perfect opportunities.

How, you lot ask?

Well let's receive got a await at a few recipes to see.

Take these classic 7-Layer Cookies for reading, for representative ...

Reading recipes gives corking exercise inward … good … exactly reading.  But it’s likewise rich amongst reading comprehension practice, sequencing, together with vocabulary.  When cooking, your kid tin read the recipe, together with summarize it inward his or her ain words.  Vocabulary tin survive broadened yesteryear discussing the pregnant of unfamiliar words, together with pregnant tin survive reinforced through truly doing or experiencing those words piece helping fix the recipe.  Learning yesteryear doing is extremely powerful!

So, amongst these delicious 7-Layer Cookies, your kid could:
  • Verbally summarize the steps to brand these
  • Write a listing or menses map of the club the ingredients are layered inward the pan (yes, sequencing is a reading skill!)
  • Look for letters or sounds or sight words appropriate for his/her flat level
  • Work on vocabulary with, perhaps, the words ‘condensed,’ ‘chopped,’ ‘layer,’ ‘sprinkle,’ ‘remaining,’ ‘previous,’ or whatever other unfamiliar word
  • Practice comprehension strategies yesteryear thinking of questions he/she has most the recipe, or predicting what volition occur at each step

But what most writing?  How would that move amongst baking?  Let’s allow these ooey-gooey Caramel-Walnut Squares assist us out.

Now, writing exercise doesn’t e'er receive got to involve a pencil.  The deed of coming upward amongst content is an extremely of import business office of the writing procedure … together with that content tin exactly survive spoken aloud.  In my classroom, nosotros telephone telephone this ‘writing amongst our mouths.’  You know, ‘cause sometimes that ol’ pencil exactly gets inward the way!  So summertime writing exercise could survive both a picayune ‘writing amongst the mouth’ together with a picayune writing amongst a pencil, if you’d like.

To exercise writing piece making these Caramel-Walnut Squares, your kid could:
  • ‘Write amongst his/her mouth’ to depict the oatmeal layer, the caramel layer, and/or the finished product.  Use all 5 senses … touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing … to come upward up amongst corking descriptive words together with sentences. 
  • Write a summary, inward his/her ain words, of how to brand them
  • Write his/her sentiment most the squares … consummate amongst back upward for that opinion!
  • Create a fiction story involving the squares ... like, peradventure where the caramel layer goes crazy together with flows out of the oven similar a river all over the kitchen.  Get creative!  {making certain the story includes a beginning, middle, together with end, of course!}
  • Think most a alter he/she would similar to brand to the squares together with write his/her ain novel recipe.  Maybe you’ll fifty-fifty allow it survive tried out!

Ahhhh, together with math.  Baking together with cooking are jam-packed amongst math learning opportunities … similar measuring, together with counting, together with patterning, together with adding, together with fractions … the listing goes on together with on!

No-Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake  together with No-Bake Chocolate Eclair Dessert are going to assist us out amongst math.  {I didn’t retrieve you’d mind.}

For math exercise with No-Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake, your kid could:
  • Do a geometry shape puzzle.  You’re in all likelihood thinking … what???  Well, this recipe naturally is a geometry shape puzzle!  Yes … figuring out how to jibe the graham crackers for each graham cracker layer into the pan, breaking about every bit needed, is a shape puzzle.  Cool, huh?
  • Create patterns amongst the strawberries every bit he/she layers inward the fruit
  • Calculate the amount of ingredients needed to brand ½ the recipe … or to double it.  Or, to brand any dissimilar size, for that matter.
  • Estimate how many strawberry slices volition final result from a handful of the strawberries to survive used.  Then, count the slices to run into how closed the gauge was.
  • Figure out what fourth dimension the cake volition survive ready, given the overnight ... let's tell 10 or 12 hr ... refrigerating fourth dimension  

This No-Bake Chocolate Eclair Dessert is likewise fabulous for math practice.

While helping brand this recipe, your kid could:
  • Do the same type of geometry shape puzzle amongst the graham cracker layers every bit amongst the No-Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake
  • Continue the AB blueprint of the graham cracker together with pudding layers to figure out what would come upward 6th, or 10th, or 13th (or whatever other position) if you lot ... hypothetically, of course of report ... kept edifice that many layers of this delicious dessert
  • Further educate his/her conceptual agreement of 1/2 yesteryear dividing the pudding mixture into 2 bowls to run into the halves used for each pudding layer
  • Compare the relative size of the dissimilar measures used inward the recipe ... teaspoon, 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, 1 loving cup ... lay out the measurement instruments together with receive got your kid house them inward club from smallest to largest, or largest to smallest
  • Conduct a inquiry survey/data collection projection most the terminal production ... He/she could enquire each household unit of measurement fellow member whether or non they liked the dessert, come upward up amongst a means to collect the information (tally marks, etc), together with and therefore come upward up amongst a means to graph or stand upward for the information (bar graph, painting present graph, t-chart ... the possibilities are almost endless!)
  • Now, this is scientific discipline instead of math, but I've got to throw it inward ... working amongst the butter inward the topping of this recipe lends itself good to a give-and-take of solids together with liquids ... I'm exactly sayin' ... receive got every learning chance you lot can!

I could acquire on together with on most learning activities piece baking together with cooking ... they're exactly sooooo rich amongst learning opportunities.  So, clit out a few of your favorite recipes this summer, receive got fun inward the kitchen, together with continue your child's take away heed practicing reading, writing, together with math at the same time!  

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