Can Wilted Spinach Salad Hold Upwards A Celebration Of My Cancer Journey?

This ship service is brought to you lot past times Walgreens as well as SheKnows Media. The opinions as well as text are all mine.
To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your family, I wishing for you lot the peace of a positive outcome.

To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your household unit of measurement Can Wilted Spinach Salad Be a Celebration of My Cancer Journey?

Can something equally uncomplicated equally eating Wilted Spinach Salad hold upwardly a celebration of beating cancer?

Well allow me tell you, inwards my illustration it certain was.

See, I am a proud cancer survivor who successfully battled thyroid cancer 17 years ago.  During my cancer treatment, I lost the mightiness to consume 1 of my favorite foods salad.  Regaining that mightiness as well as 1 time once again existence able to bask 1 of my favorite foods after handling completion was indeed a truthful celebration of defeating cancer.

Because truly, sometimes it's the uncomplicated things that concur huge meaning.

I'm honored as well as proud to hold upwardly hither today to portion some of my cancer flush amongst you lot on behalf of Walgreens cancer back upwardly services, as well as to portion information almost the Walgreens specialty chemist's shop services available to those dealing amongst as well as managing your ain cancer journey, or that of a loved one.

Pharmacies tin play an of import move inwards a cancer journey, as well as thankfully, Walgreens offers cancer back upwardly services.  At Walgreens cancer specialized pharmacy, pharmacists convey completed additional preparation specific to cancer as well as are thence prepared to offering trusted back upwardly to cancer patients whether that hold upwardly inwards the shape of filling cancer medications, providing cancer pedagogy information, helping ready for as well as deal treatment side effects, or fifty-fifty working to aid observe a means to meliorate afford cancer medications or aid lower co-pays.  Walgreens is at that spot to hold upwardly a trusted partner as well as resources throughout the cancer journey.

I was diagnosed amongst thyroid cancer at the historic menses of 30.  And to say I was shocked is a rattling gross understatement.  I don't recall the give-and-take "cancer," peculiarly inwards relation to our ain health, is 1 we're always genuinely prepared to hear.

My cancer uncovering procedure began during my annual physical that year.  My physician decided my thyroid felt a piffling enlarged, as well as wanted to ship me for an ultrasound.  No line of piece of job organisation registered for me at this point, as well as I gave the potentially enlarged thyroid no thought at all.  I had been feeling a piffling to a greater extent than tired than usual, as well as had been gaining some weight amongst absolutely no life-style changes to warrant it.  Honestly, I felt proficient hearing of a possible enlarged thyroid because I thought this could hold upwardly the respond to my tiredness as well as weight gain.  I was thinking this was in all probability simply a piffling thyroid number that needed to larn straightened out, as well as all would hold upwardly fine.

After my ultrasound, I was sent to run into a specialist.  Naively, I nonetheless wasn't the to the lowest degree fleck concerned.

At the specialist twenty-four hr menses of the month the doc did a quick exam, looked at me, as well as said rattling matter-of-factly, "There is definitely a increment of some sort on your thyroid.  It could hold upwardly cancerous, as well as so I would similar to exercise a biopsy.  If you lot convey fourth dimension I tin exercise it correct now, or nosotros tin convey you lot schedule a follow-up appointment."

I convey no thought what my facial human face looked similar at that moment, but here's the doctor's side past times side statement, inwards a rattling sort as well as compassionate tone:

"The thought that this could hold upwardly cancer never crossed your mind, did it?"

Indeed, it had not.

To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your household unit of measurement Can Wilted Spinach Salad Be a Celebration of My Cancer Journey?

Now I could become on as well as on almost the thoughts as well as feelings I had.  Or almost the province of daze each of my friends as well as household unit of measurement members displayed inwards hearing the news.  Or almost my treatment, complications I experienced, a longer-than-expected infirmary stay, seemingly endless blood draws as well as scans, or almost my recovery.  Or, almost how my diagnosis as well as recovery gave the me courage to larn out a career inwards which I was unhappy.  Or fifty-fifty almost a 2nd scare I had 10 years afterward amongst possible ovarian cancer that, praise God, turned out to hold upwardly benign tumors.

But to brand quite a long flush short, I'll simply say, I was non lone on my cancer journey.  And for that, I am immensely grateful.  I was fortunate to convey household unit of measurement as well as friends who poured out honey as well as prayers, a selfless Mom who was past times my side equally my caregiver every mensuration of the way, to a greater extent than than capable doctors, as well as services like Walgreens cancer specialized specialtypharmacy to offering tools, education, as well as cancer support.  Without that support, my journeying to recovery would convey been infinitely to a greater extent than difficult.

I'm proud as well as immensely happy to say I am a cancer survivor as well as I am 17 years cancer free.

I am thankful for fabulous as well as talented doctors as well as pharmacists.  I am thankful for the uncovering of treatments to struggle as well as destroy cancer.  I am thankful for medical inquiry that has produced life-sustaining medications.  And I am thankful for supportive attention from trusted partners similar Walgreens for guidance along the cancer journey.  Without all these, I wouldn't nonetheless hold upwardly on this Earth.  

I am thankful for every day.

To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your household unit of measurement Can Wilted Spinach Salad Be a Celebration of My Cancer Journey?

And truth hold upwardly told, I am thrilled to hold upwardly able to consume salad again.

Prior to my cancer treatment, I ate a salad every twenty-four hr menses for lunch.  And when I say every day, I exercise indeed hateful every unmarried twenty-four hr menses without fail. 

Due to side effects of my cancer treatment, for several months my tummy simply couldn't possess got eating salad without becoming upset.  I tried many times to consume one, but the inability to bask my favorite nutrient simply became a frustration as well as reminder of my cancer.  So I stopped for a long time.

So yes, when you lot larn that "all-clear" study after cancer treatment, something equally uncomplicated equally eating a wilted spinach salad tin indeed hold upwardly a rattling welcomed celebration of beating cancer.  

Because sometimes it's the simplest of things that concur huge meaning.  

To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your family, I wishing for you lot the peace of a positive outcome.

To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your household unit of measurement Can Wilted Spinach Salad Be a Celebration of My Cancer Journey?

Wilted Spinach Salad
(Print recipe)
  • 12 to sixteen oz. fresh spinach
  • about iii T. slivered ruby-red onion
  • cherry tomatoes, halved
  • sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 6 slices bacon, cooked crisp & crumbled
  • 1/3 c. white vinegar
  • 1/3 c. water
  • 2 T. granulated saccharide
  • 1/8 to ¼ tsp. pepper
  1. Place spinach, onion, tomatoes, as well as mushrooms inwards a large salad bowl.
  2. In a microwaveable container, combine vinegar, water, sugar, as well as pepper; whisk amongst a fork to mix together. Microwave on high until boiling.
  3. Immediately pour hot vinegar mixture over the spinach mixture. Toss. Sprinkle crumbled bacon over the top.
  4. Serve immediately.

To all those dealing personally amongst a cancer journeying or amongst cancer inwards your household unit of measurement Can Wilted Spinach Salad Be a Celebration of My Cancer Journey?

This ship service is linked with Weekend Potluck.

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