Spring Cupcake Bar

Spring has sprung!  And what meliorate agency to celebrate than amongst a cupcake bar?

At our school, nosotros conduct keep an subsequently schoolhouse instructor get-together every brace of months or thence called 'Downtime.'  It's a fourth dimension for us teachers to exactly chill out a picayune flake together with relish a fourth dimension of corporation together.  You'd live surprised how picayune nosotros genuinely larn to utter to ane another!  Our attending during the schoolhouse twenty-four hours ... as it should ... goes to our students - non to ane another!

Well, this fourth dimension roughly the 1st degree squad (of which I'm a part) together with fourth degree squad were our Downtime hosts.  And our Downtime twenty-four hours exactly thence happened to autumn on the starting fourth dimension twenty-four hours of Spring.  In accolade of the starting fourth dimension twenty-four hours of Spring, we chose to host a Spring cupcake bar equally our Downtime treat.  And what a fabulous process it was!

I tin forcefulness out accept absolutely cipher credit for the persuasion ... the kudos for that become to my friends together with teammates Dana together with Shelley.  They together with some others did all the run on the cute ornament materials together with develop of the event.  I did what I create best ... baked cupcakes!  I whipped upwards a batch of Coconut Cupcakes (click to come across the recipe post) and Neapolitan Cupcakes (not yet posted - I'm even thence tweaking the frosting ... it's exactly non quite correct yet).

Now, here's the crazy affair that happened amongst me on the twenty-four hours of the resultant ... I almost didn't become far to attend the cupcake bar!  I came squealing inward amongst my cupcakes together with serving dishes literally xv minutes earlier the resultant started.  Why?  Well, because I had spent that black inward the emergency room amongst my hubby who was passing a kidney stone.  After a *bit* of hurting together with patience, he's right away totally fine ... but it was a looooonng night.  We got habitation together with got him settled exactly inward fourth dimension for me (and my cupcakes!) to become far to the event.

In the midst of the craziness of the day, I ran out of the identify without my camera.  So, the next photos from the resultant itself are taken amongst my friend Shelley's telephone camera.  I thence brought some of the cute materials habitation amongst me together with took to a greater extent than pictures amongst my regular camera.

So exactly banking concern represent out this adorable Spring cupcake bar!  It was develop inward the library of our school.  The cupcake bar itself was on top of ane of the bookshelves, together with nosotros used the library tables for seating.  So ... this persuasion tin forcefulness out run near anywhere!

Here's the cupcake bar itself ...

My friend Andrea wrote the names of each cupcake, inward her beautiful handwriting, exactly on the tablecloth newspaper itself.  Those are my kokosnoot cupcakes, and German chocolate cupcakes made yesteryear my friend Pat.  I'll live making those shortly ... they were delicious.

We decorated amongst lots of Peeps together with other Easter candies.  Isn't the Peep peeping out of the dish of robin eggs cute?  And accept a hold off at the pineapple upside-down cupcakes my friend Andrea made!  She's giving me that recipe shortly ...

The tables were decorated amongst Peeps, jelly edible bean daffodils, together with butterflies.

And exactly hold off at these Spring-decorated H2O bottles!  So cute.

Now hither are some photos I took in ane lawsuit I got dorsum habitation thence I could part to a greater extent than details amongst you.  The decorations were thence cute! 

First upwards - the butterflies.  Shelley exactly cutting butterfly shapes from decorative scrapbook papers together with thence slipped them onto a plastic fork thence they'd conduct keep some 'height' together with a picayune 'look of flight.'

You exactly topographic point the fork thence that ii tines are on the dorsum of the newspaper butterfly ...

... together with ii tines are on the front.  Easy sneezy!

Next upwards - the jelly edible bean daffodils.  Again, Shelley cutting daffodil shapes from decorative paper.  Then she glued a mini cupcake liner inward the oculus ...

... together with filled it amongst jelly beans.  These were exactly thence adorable on the tables!

And finally - the H2O bottles.  The H2O bottles were decorated amongst strips of pastel newspaper cutting amongst decorative scissors.  Then, Spring embellishments were attached amongst mucilage popular dots.  So sweet!

Such a fun event!  I can't hold off to brand Pat's German chocolate cupcakes together with Andrea's pineapple upside-down cupcakes.  I'll definitely live adding those ii recipes to my line-up.

Happy Spring everyone!

Decorations Pinspired by:
Jelly edible bean daffodils - Martha Stewart's Daffodil Candy Cups
Decorated H2O bottles - The Creative Party Place

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